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Current Events
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Food & Integration Plan
Eurogerm is an official partner along with the ANIA (the French Food Industry Association) in the Food & Integration scheme.
The aim being to educate people on low incomes to eat a balanced diet to combat dietary deficiencies and obesity.

Eurogerm is a member of Fondalim Bourgogne, which is responsible for developing food patronage in Burgundy by collating and encouraging business initiatives in the sphere.
Created at the behest of the Banque Alimentaire de Bourgogne (Burgundy Food Bank) and the ARIA (Burgundy Regional Food Industries Association), Fondalim Bourgogne is an inter-company endowment fund intended to increase and structure food aid for the most disadvantaged.

The Bread Road
Undertaken in partnership with Sophie de Courtivron, former press officer at the Bread and Flour Confectionery Confederation, the Bread Road invites you on a real journey in the everyday life of bread.
> Carnet de route (3,53 Mo - in French language only)